
this message may be offensive
its 3 in the morning and i cant sleep omfg i haven't slept two fucking days and i cant sleep rn:,)


this message may be offensive
Wahhh my fucking computer was hacked and the only thing that was changed was my Spotify acc user which isn't the same as my main one but they changed it to 
          And im to lazy to change it:)


I think im stupid..
          Im Russian 
          I speak russian
          Type russian
          And understand it
          But in class today my teacher told me 
          "hey [my name] can u write something in russian?"
          And i say sure and i mess up the letters and she then went on with the lesson ignoring me till my next class:]


Something is wrong with people 
          I was with my friend and we were doing quads (idfk how to spell it:/)
          And these kids come up to us and is like
          "we are gonna tell [principals name] that your being inappropriate!"
          And we stop and they walk away
          All i wanted to do is tear them apart 
          Like why is being a therian "inappropriate" wtf??..