
Yo is anybody still here?


Okay, I finished up editing and I am drafting up a new part. BUT I wanted to make a little announcement because we are almost at 100 followers! *DRUM ROLL*
           I am opening up a request book where you can send me in any sort of short story, 500-3,000 words, and I will write it. The rules are simple.
          1. You must send me a request by PM, posting the message on my profile, or commenting on the most recent chapter of any story. I plan on tagging people for requests but if you want to remain anonymous let me know and I won't tag you.
          2. You have to give me some time to write them, Anywhere ranging from a few hours after I see your message or up to a week depending on how long I make them.
          3. There are some things I won't write or that I can't make a story that I think is worth you going out of your way to ask for. I will let you know if this happens and you can send in another request.
          4. If you send in a really good prompt, like hella good, I may make it into a longer story or make a multi-part story.
          5. If you have an idea to continue someone else's prompt, message me the idea and I will send it to them to see if it fits with what they had in mind. 
          A few notes
          -If multiple people send me something really similar I will just write one or two to group up all of you guys
          -I can do any ship from any fandom I currently know about, again this will all be cleared up in messaging.
          THIS COSTS YOU NOTHING BUT A FEW MINUTES TO SEND IN A REQUEST. DO NOT BE SHY, I DON'T BITE. Unless you are into that, that's hardcore and I respect it.
          Thank you all for almost 100 followers!


 On your old account I made a few comments like being reborn as Grell (man that terrified me) I don’t know if there was any other ideas I forget them fast
            any way i was hopping you could conti ue with the furrie seb story, i absolutely love it, surprisingly i love your first one mor than the rewritten one, first love and all *cough* hope you come back soon
            another idea it thecat black butlers, ive read a few, but what would happen if you already had a dog and a cat, knew how to ride horses. personally id like to write it but I don't have a great understanding of black butler and am scare to bomb it
            what if you die and get transmitted as a kitten in black butler. i have hand written the 1st chapter or rather the intro, but again im terrified of screwing up a possibly good story
            wanna know what happns when MC dresses as Sebatian what everyones reactions will be Grell would be hilarious 


          Now howdy, I have been kind of DEAD but I am starting up writing again. I really don't wanna chat up why I stopped but let's just go with reasons for now. Yes, things will be updated, yes requests are still a thing. I just have to go edit all the chapters in "His Futuristic Kitten". Grammar and stuff.


Hey so it is a new year and I have failed you guys. Like A LOT. I promised and promised to write more and nothing ever happened. For the sake of keeping this short, I fell into a real big self-doubt stage and felt as if anything I did wasn't good enough. Now that is a new year, a  week into said new year but STILL, I am going to dedicate up to 3 hours everyday to writing. That means updates for EVERY STORY that is ongoing EVERYDAY.
           Another big announcement is this. I AM OPENING UP REQUESTS. Yes you read that right, go ahead and re-read it if you are confused.
          The rules are simple. You just have to go and PM me, leave me the request on my profile, or comment in the newest chapter of any story what you want me to do. These will all be one-shots unless it is a REALLY GOOD prompt. Send in anything and everything, no prompt is a bad prompt. Now there are some things I won't write, but just now that this is a new thing and sorry if it sucks. If I don't feel comfortable writing it, I will let you know and you can submit another.
          I know this is long and if you are still reading, you get brownie points. CIAO, READER-CHAN! 


Oh hey, I already mentioned requests. HEH HEH OOPS.


Also, fun tidbit. I am discontinuing Natalya's Suspicions until next Nano. Sorry for any inconvenience! 


OKAY. So I just got on to do some writing, and I know it's been a while but school has been crazy busy, and I saw that I had a bunch of notifications. The were from @GeneralTerribleT, sorry I can't tag you, and they had just finished the original and came onto the new one. I was smiling and laughing practically the entire time because 1: I love getting you guys' comments, 2: Their comments were pretty funny, and 3: They said they prefered the new one over the original and that is exactly what I was hoping for. 
           You are all awesome, stay awesome.


Hello my lovely lovlies! 
          So apparently it's Wattpad's, in a sense, "Birthday/Aniversary". So YAY WATTPAD.
          Also, it is Nano Writing Month. I am participating in this writing event and will be uploading things in parts here. Now those who read it are very quickly either going to notice my grammatical errors OR notice it is heavily influenced by other things they habe read, played, or seen. You wouldn't be wrong if you pointed it out and please do so. Especially grammatical errors. Like in any of my stories. 
          I recommened you all try Nano month of you'd like too. The "Children" category must have up to 15,000 and the "Adult" must have at least 50,000. I'm going in for the adult category, wish me luck!
          Ciao, Reader-Chan!