
I am so sorry for not posting a lot these past months. I took a small break, in December, but I had no idea this break would last MONTHS. I don't have motivation to write anymore, my life as a teenager is nearing its end and I'll soon be considered an adult. I've been trying to get my life in order, focusing on important things. My family, relationships, job and education. I have a lot to do if I want to live a good life, after school. 
          	I'm sorry, Mixed Feelings 2 and TOXIC won't ever be finished.
          	I started Wattpad when I was 13, which is hard to believe since it was 4 years ago. I loved it, I loved it so much that I prioritized it over almost everything. 
          	I lost interest about a year ago, but after gaining so many followers (which I never thought would happen), I didn't want to give up. I wanted to make you all happy. But it took a toll on my mental health as well, trying to write good chapters and focus on my personal life at the same time - It was hard. I just couldn't. 
          	I'm sorry to do this to all of you, and I don't mean to hurt any of you in any way. I love and appreciate each and every one of you. I never thought over three thousand people would end up following me. I still remember being so excited when I hit my 100. 
          	I'm still going to check in, every now and then. If any of you need someone to talk to, you can post on my wall and I'll reply whenever I can. But I can no longer be an author. Maybe, someday, I'll come back. But for now, it's a no. 
          	Thank you so much to everyone, you have no idea how much all of you mean to me. I love you all so so much and it hurts me to have to say goodbye to a big part of my life, something that has gotten me through tough times. I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am to have all of you. 
          	If any of you need anything, you can reach me on here, or my new snapchat account: maggiegauvin07
          	Thanks again for all of your love and support. I'll never forget how kind you all were to me. I love you all.
          	-Sucky Author <3


I'm going to stop you right there, you don't have to apologise for something that is taking a toll on your mental health. Your already published stories will always stay here as a reminder of your author days, so please don't feel bad, at all. It's true that I'll miss you, Maggs, but you're not completely disappearing, it's okay to listen to yourself and fulfill your needs, got it? With that said, goodbye temporarily, I'd love to chat on your wall sometime ❤️❤️❤️


@Itsjustmoi07  Thank you for the time you spent here, I love your books that you left here with us ❤️ Good luck with your life!!


@Itsjustmoi07 Awwww, Honey, we all enjoyed your books, and completed or discontinued, we will continue too. I remember, the first book I read was Mixed Feelings. 
          	  Have fun on your lives journey, and remember to have fun as well, and leave some time for enjoyment and yourself.
          	  We will all miss you, and hope you come back. I will be whenever you want to though. 
          	  Have fun, Love you, and your books, Thank you for making my Wattpad  experience great by blessing me with your books


I am so sorry for not posting a lot these past months. I took a small break, in December, but I had no idea this break would last MONTHS. I don't have motivation to write anymore, my life as a teenager is nearing its end and I'll soon be considered an adult. I've been trying to get my life in order, focusing on important things. My family, relationships, job and education. I have a lot to do if I want to live a good life, after school. 
          I'm sorry, Mixed Feelings 2 and TOXIC won't ever be finished.
          I started Wattpad when I was 13, which is hard to believe since it was 4 years ago. I loved it, I loved it so much that I prioritized it over almost everything. 
          I lost interest about a year ago, but after gaining so many followers (which I never thought would happen), I didn't want to give up. I wanted to make you all happy. But it took a toll on my mental health as well, trying to write good chapters and focus on my personal life at the same time - It was hard. I just couldn't. 
          I'm sorry to do this to all of you, and I don't mean to hurt any of you in any way. I love and appreciate each and every one of you. I never thought over three thousand people would end up following me. I still remember being so excited when I hit my 100. 
          I'm still going to check in, every now and then. If any of you need someone to talk to, you can post on my wall and I'll reply whenever I can. But I can no longer be an author. Maybe, someday, I'll come back. But for now, it's a no. 
          Thank you so much to everyone, you have no idea how much all of you mean to me. I love you all so so much and it hurts me to have to say goodbye to a big part of my life, something that has gotten me through tough times. I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am to have all of you. 
          If any of you need anything, you can reach me on here, or my new snapchat account: maggiegauvin07
          Thanks again for all of your love and support. I'll never forget how kind you all were to me. I love you all.
          -Sucky Author <3


I'm going to stop you right there, you don't have to apologise for something that is taking a toll on your mental health. Your already published stories will always stay here as a reminder of your author days, so please don't feel bad, at all. It's true that I'll miss you, Maggs, but you're not completely disappearing, it's okay to listen to yourself and fulfill your needs, got it? With that said, goodbye temporarily, I'd love to chat on your wall sometime ❤️❤️❤️


@Itsjustmoi07  Thank you for the time you spent here, I love your books that you left here with us ❤️ Good luck with your life!!


@Itsjustmoi07 Awwww, Honey, we all enjoyed your books, and completed or discontinued, we will continue too. I remember, the first book I read was Mixed Feelings. 
            Have fun on your lives journey, and remember to have fun as well, and leave some time for enjoyment and yourself.
            We will all miss you, and hope you come back. I will be whenever you want to though. 
            Have fun, Love you, and your books, Thank you for making my Wattpad  experience great by blessing me with your books


Hello everyone! I know it's been a long time since I've been on here, and I'm sorry. How has everyone been?


@Itsjustmoi07 been good, how are you?


Im doing good! Final stretch of the school year


@Itsjustmoi07 Currently sick but otherwise not too bad! How about you? It's good to see you didn't just disappear for forever! :) 


I absolutely love you I was wondering if you could do one where Katsuki is abused by his mom and he was forced to bully deku and say all that stuff and they go to the mall and a weird bomb gets thrown at them making them switch clothes, personality, quirks, hair, eyes, and IQ please me and my sister are big fans and you abandon story the one with radios is really good and made us cry pretty pretty pretty please