
Ive renamed my book Know Yourself to What can we be and i can now happily say that there will be weekly updates every week at 8 am starting today. i hope you all enjoy the book and please give feedback. Thank you!


Finally done With Chapter Two  of I Love You....To Death
          Sorry For not being on as much, I've been SUPER BUSY ill try to be on more often and updating more. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO yeh go check it out, tell me your thought, either by comments or personal messages, and tell me if you think i should keep going or stop the story....Thank you <3


Hey every one, im making a story about how i became a wolf, if you want to be in it, text or comment your name (not real name) and the name of your character and what he or she; wolf, vampire, serphant, Mage Ect...