
Hi guys!
          	I am getting back into writing again, and am currently working on my new project, "The True Story of Cinderella". It is only for mature audiences, as the subject matter contains suicide and graphic scenes of abuse. If you want to give it a read, please leave some constructive criticism! But please do not read if the content matter is triggering for you, as that is not the intent of my current work. It is to shed light on how abuse affects the development of a child as she grows into an adult. And again, if anybody would like me to continue my Marcel fanfiction, please send me a message, otherwise I will be focusing on my new work!


Hi guys!
          I am getting back into writing again, and am currently working on my new project, "The True Story of Cinderella". It is only for mature audiences, as the subject matter contains suicide and graphic scenes of abuse. If you want to give it a read, please leave some constructive criticism! But please do not read if the content matter is triggering for you, as that is not the intent of my current work. It is to shed light on how abuse affects the development of a child as she grows into an adult. And again, if anybody would like me to continue my Marcel fanfiction, please send me a message, otherwise I will be focusing on my new work!


Hey, everybody!
          I know that most of you know me from my One Direction-themed "Marcel" fanfiction, but now that I am 21, I am planning to delve into more raw and mature content.  Please read and leave feed back (if you so desire!) as it is immensely appreciated.  If you want me to continue my Marcel fanfiction, I will also give it a shot -- just shoot me a message, as I will not continue it unless one of my audience members would like me to!
          As always, thank you for reading my works and supporting me.  You guys are the best!


Hey guys! I suck at being active, but I will try harder. I currently just began my senior year in high school! Time flies. Anyways, I'm no longer a Directioner, but I am still getting a bunch of requests to update my Marcel fan fiction, so I will for you guys!