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Hello! Welcome to the offical Wattpad account for the podcast "It's Just Us"! Now I know it is strange to have a podcast account on a platform for writers and readers, but the community is one that we greatly love and can't wait to be apart of! Here are some common questions we get:

Who am I talking too?: My name is Isaac and I am one of the hosts for It's Just Us! I have actually been on Wattpad since March 2021. If you want to check out my account, click here: @Athenian17

What is the podcast about?: The podcast is a lot of things bundled into one! We didn't want to label ourselves as one thing or confine ourselves to one topic. Sadly, Anchor made us choose a genre, so we picked Comedy, but really it is a little bit of everything, all of the time...( Give us a follow if you understsand that reference ;)

Why did you make the podcast?: The goal of the podcast is that when we are older, we can look back at our younger selves and laugh about how stupid we were. It is our audio time capusle per se.

Where are you guys stationed: In St. Louis Missouri!

How long have you guys known each other?: Me and Levi have known each other since we were two. We met at our church.

Have any more questions? Leave them in the conversations tab!
  • St. Louis MO
  • JoinedAugust 21, 2021