
I am compiling some of the best (at least from my perspective) stories around. If you have suggestions or stories that stand out above the rest to you, feel free to shoot them my way. I may just add them. So take a look, and open up The Spoon Drawer.


I am compiling some of the best (at least from my perspective) stories around. If you have suggestions or stories that stand out above the rest to you, feel free to shoot them my way. I may just add them. So take a look, and open up The Spoon Drawer.


The indomitable human spirit > the cold indifference of the universe. Keep your head up my kings and queens. Make the most out of the time you have and never give up on yourself.


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@ItchySpoon Damn bro, this shit go hard


Hey, I would REALLY love if you checked out my very Wanda centric Avengers book set after Multiverse of Madness. I dedicated a lot of time to this story and it is epic in scale and lives up to the avengers title but I also added heart and soul into this project. And deals a lot with her journey to become who she is destined to be while having a very deep redemption arc. I think you'll like it.