
Finish binge watching Sleepy Hollow (tv series). 
          	How can they kill off Abbie Mills?  The writers did a terrible job on the finale, which made no sense.    Abbie Mills made the show relatable to the viewers and Nicole Beharie was awesome as this badass character.  So why the cryptic death of a beloved character?  Yes, Nicole wanted to leave the show but seriously it sounded like she wasn't given the same respect as Tom Mison who plays Ichabod Crane.  Without Abbie, Crane would look to the viewer as a rambling man out of time that we couldn't relate too.  Worse part is that the writers made her a sidekick when she was a partner, equals- not hero & sidekick.   #ForeverAbbieFan


Finish binge watching Sleepy Hollow (tv series). 
          How can they kill off Abbie Mills?  The writers did a terrible job on the finale, which made no sense.    Abbie Mills made the show relatable to the viewers and Nicole Beharie was awesome as this badass character.  So why the cryptic death of a beloved character?  Yes, Nicole wanted to leave the show but seriously it sounded like she wasn't given the same respect as Tom Mison who plays Ichabod Crane.  Without Abbie, Crane would look to the viewer as a rambling man out of time that we couldn't relate too.  Worse part is that the writers made her a sidekick when she was a partner, equals- not hero & sidekick.   #ForeverAbbieFan


Hi i love your books. One question how did you get so many followers lol curiosity. *wink* *wink*. 


Lol thank you.  But I haven't reach 100 followers, so I don't know but I follow people because they are great writers or they have adorable bios about them.  So you're a K-Drama fan, lol.  I've been guilty of binge watching K-Drama from time to time & it's even worse when I visit my great-aunts & cousins in HI; K-Drama is always playing on their TV. ;)


Hi! Just stopped by to say thanks for tuning in to Perfect Mistress! Read that you're a PK.. :) teeheee


@Islandgirl_5  Oh! Sorry about that! I'm still working on POVs.. Not really my style. ;)


Haha your welcome.


Yep, PK4Life! Your story is interesting but I almost got lost with the different characters's povs.  Thanks for stopping by.  :) ;)