
          	And great, I am bloody inspired to write a tmr fic. So y’all are getting one.
          	After spending an hour scrolling through countless tmr fics on WattPad, looking for something good to read, I found myself thinking- ‘Oh wow, how awesome would it be if I could read a story based on Newt’s life in the maze?’
          	So because I couldn’t find someone who was writing one, I’ve decided to take the matter into my own hands and do it myself. I’ll warn that this idea is still relatively fresh and the plot is incomplete- (not to mention the cover needs work: I slapped it together in 5 minutes on Shuffles) so I can’t guarantee if I’ll continue it or anything.
          	Hah, anyway, go read the introduction of Origins, and tell me what you think.
          	Open to any cover ideas from those who are interested!


          And great, I am bloody inspired to write a tmr fic. So y’all are getting one.
          After spending an hour scrolling through countless tmr fics on WattPad, looking for something good to read, I found myself thinking- ‘Oh wow, how awesome would it be if I could read a story based on Newt’s life in the maze?’
          So because I couldn’t find someone who was writing one, I’ve decided to take the matter into my own hands and do it myself. I’ll warn that this idea is still relatively fresh and the plot is incomplete- (not to mention the cover needs work: I slapped it together in 5 minutes on Shuffles) so I can’t guarantee if I’ll continue it or anything.
          Hah, anyway, go read the introduction of Origins, and tell me what you think.
          Open to any cover ideas from those who are interested!


Hello yall
          I am in fact alive ;)
          I don’t know if anyone bothers to read these at the moment, but I’ll just say I’ve been keeping things pretty quiet and under-the-radar, as I am trying to get a bit of confidence in my writing back. It’s left me with some time to sit on some ideas, for both The 68th Hunger Games (on which I am still stuck on) but also some inspiration for new stories? I don’t know, maybe finding new things to write about will help me get my enthusiasm back
          Anyway, hoping I can find my mojo again soon
          Have a good day/night
          @Isabellethebookwormw over and out!


I’m back!
          Happy Monday morning, everyone!
          Well, with a new week ahead I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things! 
          I’ve recently added 2 new songs to T68HG playlist! (For those who hadn’t guessed, thats The 68th Hunger Games shortened. Its easier than typing it ;D)
          Anywho, I’m always on the look out for any new song recs to add to it, so say something if you’ve got any!
          Glad to be back, yall!
          @isabellethebookwormw over and out!


Thank you so much for adding two of my stories to your library, it really means a lot. I hope you enjoy them.
          -Anonymous Mockingjay


Aww, your very welcome! Us small writers have to look out for each other, right?


Hey y’all :)
          Haven’t released anything too major of late, just suffering from a bit of a lack in confidence. Just gonna take the next week slow, so you won’t see a whole lot from me.
          Hopefully I’ll be ready and roaring by the time I’m back!


@Isabellethebookwormw Take your time, girl. Honestly, I've been really struggling to get anything out for my book as well.


Hey everyone! 
          So it’s nearly been 2 weeks since I released new content, and chapter 6 is still very much under development. I dare say you wont be seeing it out this week and I kind of left chapter 5 off at a somewhat confusing point (at least it seems confusing to me), so any questions you have regarding the plot, or what I have revealed of it so far, don’t hesitate to ask! 


✬ Attention readers!✬
             @Isabellethebookwormw has levelled up her aesthetic game! 


!!Update Announcement!!
          I’d like to introduce a new character to The 68th Hunger Games!
          A new and original escort named Lucia Craine has been introduced to replace Effie Trinket! 
          It was brought to my attention a while ago, the fact that each district has it’s own escort rather than 1 that does every district! Well, after some editing and minor changes, District 4 now has it’s own original escort!
          Go and read chapters 2-5 to go meet her!
          And once again, feel free to vote, or let me know if I’ve made any mistakes!
          @isabellethebookworm over and out!


@Isabellethebookwormw I'm so excited to check it out!!


Hello readers!
          Quick update announcement on The 68th Hunger Games!
          An aesthetic board has officially been released, and I updated the playlist I released a while ago!
          And maybe you’ll get to see chapter 6 soon? Possibly an original escort for District 4?
          I wont promise anything…
          …Yet ;)