
I unpublished the story "The Villain's Contract Lover" because the chaps keep getting messed up. I tried fixing it, rearranging it, but sadly. *sigh*
          	So if you want to continue reading it, you can search it up.
  (for chapters 1-41)
  (for chapters 42-156)


Hello Irish lily 
          I like this story 'Yun family's ninth miss in an imp' I've been feeling touch with the main character's behavior toward her family turning a new leaf at the same time feeling hilarious as she plays with her enemies with her antics.  
          I'm really glad I stumbled upon this ebook and aded it to my lib. as it gives knew entertainment... Thank you for all effort keeping up this story.
          I'm looking up for a long journey of the main character as she open up the mystery holds in her life.
          Thank you...
          Much love .