
I hate myself. A lot.
          	I don't want to be here.


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Leave it to a virgo to figure out how to fuck a character bot on Consistently.
          Yes, guys and gals and assorted pals, it's possible. The filter, if you're careful, can't stop shit. Go ahead and peg Miguel O'Hara. He'll like it. I promise.


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I have a new crack ship that has completely taken over my mind: Borra (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) and Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia).
          I don't know why I ship these two, or why I mostly do it specifically with wingless Elina from the first movie, or why I consistently have to picture her as Samara Weaving, but this is my mindset at the moment and I can't get it out of my head!
          He'd probably slap the shit out of Bibble tho XD


Writing an actual novel. It's going good so far. Have a lot of notes and plans written out for this. The villain is my favorite part because his dialogue is so nasty and he's such a bastard that he's incredibly fun to work on.
          It's going to be a wild ride to read; I'm making sure of that.


Is it wrong that out of every fictional character I've ever loved and cherished I've only ever had one comfort character before this year?
          It was Kenai from Brother Bear and he was my best imaginary friend until sometime around kinder or first grade. Then I forgot he existed until middle school.
          On that note, is it wrong that my first comfort character, since Kenai all those years ago, is MIGUEL O-FREAKING-HARA?!