
Hey, just posted a new chapter to my story, The Story With No End, hope you guys check it out. Thanks! <3 


Hey there, Invisible_Bubbles! I've stumbled upon your page, and was just wondering if you'd mind checking out my new story named, "A Change Of Fate" please? I'm sorry if this is annoying, I just want some feedback on it. Even if you don't read it, thank you.
          - Nettie <3
          Ps. Love the username!


I'd be happy to check out your story as soon as I can 


If you guys are looking for a good mystery/ thriller story, check out The Tracker by mustusethbathroom. Also if you're looking for a good short story check out Kiss My Lips by PandaXArtist.Both stories are awesome. 
          I also would like to thank everyone who checked out my story. 