
Its been a holy hot minute, no, 4 y e a r s since I’ve even looked at this account and anything on it.
  bad folks.
          	The good news is I’m still a writer (ish)
          	The bad news is the Seven Day Torture Challenge fic I was working on can no longer be completed.
          	But for those of you who creep the creepypasta and enjoy Slenderverse, I’m still.... really into them
          	So if you’re still following me, holy crap thanks, and expect ....something soon.
          	Its 2020, cringe culture is dead, LONG LIVE THE SPOOKS


Its been a holy hot minute, no, 4 y e a r s since I’ve even looked at this account and anything on it.
 bad folks.
          The good news is I’m still a writer (ish)
          The bad news is the Seven Day Torture Challenge fic I was working on can no longer be completed.
          But for those of you who creep the creepypasta and enjoy Slenderverse, I’m still.... really into them
          So if you’re still following me, holy crap thanks, and expect ....something soon.
          Its 2020, cringe culture is dead, LONG LIVE THE SPOOKS