
this message may be offensive
          	So I haven't been writing for a while. I really want to but I've been so busy with life lamo and so demotivated. What also didn't help was that my school found my account and ppl are cunts, bla bla bla.
          	Summer holidays r coming up so I'll write some more if I can be fucked 


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          So I haven't been writing for a while. I really want to but I've been so busy with life lamo and so demotivated. What also didn't help was that my school found my account and ppl are cunts, bla bla bla.
          Summer holidays r coming up so I'll write some more if I can be fucked 


You are so underrated oh my god- I cant wait until Dazzling gets thousands of views like it deserves-  I don’t get sucked into books like that too often but I’m so invested already.  You’re SERIOUSLY good.  Your account is going to blow up someday and I’m gonna be able to say I was there since the beginning  clap clap clap you’re incredible 


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Well I agree it’s great shit 


this message may be offensive
@xomiin holly shit thanks, this means so much to me


@International_oteku ALSO I HAVENT READ YOUR OTHER BOOKS YET!!!! I have them in my library though bc I know I will once I'm free bc your writing is biNGEWORTHY HNNGNGHHHHHHHHHGSHDJDFGHDKHGDJFGJKSD TAKE MY LOVE AND SUPPORT