
Why the heck u guys following me for? HmmMMMmMmmmMMmMMMmmMmM? 


Ummmm. Excuse me. Who tf actually read my story. My crapy lil story that i could never like. I’m sleep deprived whenever im on here meaning im never fully awake writing it and people click on it. 19 IS A LOT TO ME OK? Lol imma sleep. Night. 


So i was like reading a story where Ben Drowned was a sister and he said “the tea is spilled” or something like that and story time. 
          I was in a room with 2 friends and their mom and they were talking. This was like when ‘tea’ was new-ish. But like the started fighting (verbally duh) and i just said “this room is filled with tea” or maybe “overflowing” instead of filled but like they all shut up and looked at me. My friends laughed and their mom asked what i said then laughed but like we were all cool so yeah. Im still laughing at that. Hey nat