
@Infinite_Reading Hehe ;)
          Ooh I like to swim also :D How was it? xD
          Omggg YASS. You read my mind! Can we, can we have confetti cannons and party poppers with fireworks..? :DDD
          Haha thanks. You can rant to me anytime too ^.^
          Well I'm glad you let me :3 even though I haven't got to play yet -.- My dad keeps saying I don't need to be on the laptop so long. Do you think you can play it on an iPhone? But I may try to now because they're napping. Heh heh
          Really? :O What's this one like? OMG I love you :D 
          Aww thanks c: 
          Nice meeting you too xD nature is calling though so I gotta run xD hahahaha jk jk


Haii I think I know you c;
          But I see I have the first message on your board >=D muahahaha
          So, like, today I was sitting outside on the grass and I was watching the clouds c: so pretty. Until a bug flew into my mouth. Fabulous xD
          But now I'm still outside and it's so calm except for my brother. He is like so attitudish recently and it is SO annoying. He's 18 and he got kicked out but yet here he is. I'm so confused. But he's going to college next month. :P But the good thing is, since he's all 'rebel child' my parents give me all the attention and I'm really liking it because I get everything now basically and yesterday my mom got me my 47th pair of shoes :D
          You know, these messages are not suppose to be about me. They're suppose to be funny but I just end up ranting away about my life. "I did this. This happened. Blah blah blah" I am so sorry. :P
          But I'm so glad we met :D You're so fabulous and nice and sweet and I just love talking to you :D 
          And thanks for letting me play Sims. Although I haven't got to yet because I was on the laptop and my dad was all "You both need to get off your electronics for a while" :P
          Anyways, though, I'll talk with you soon ^.^
          Stay beautiful. <3 xx


I think I know you also ;)
            Nooo!! My first message on my board was taken!!
            Awwh. Don't worry, a bug flew into my mouth also when I was just swimming... not pleasant.
            Haha! Let's throw a party for your 47th pair of shoes!
            No problem! You can rant away at me :)
            Hehe, I'm glad we met also :D You are awesome, nice and sweet also :p You're fun to talk to, too!
            It was my pleasure into letting you play The Sims 3 :) I heard The Sims 4 was coming out in September, I'm going to possibly buy it around Thanksgiving or Christmas, I can let you play Sims 4 when I get it :D Haha, electronics rule though!
            Talk to you soon!
            It was nice meeting you on here :p