
By the way. I am absolutely frackin in love with the song Parker by the Automatic Loveletter :) i've had it on replay for the past few hours. And will contnue to have it on replay probably the whole weekend. LOOOOVE IT!!!


Thanks for becoming a fan! Lol, I met this guy from texas on a pub crawl in Poland (it's not as random as it sounds) and my friend and I spent the whole night ripping him off about his imaginary horse and his gun... good times, good times. Peaches are awesome. LOVE them. And I am so checking out that band now -  those lyrics are amazing. So, now that I've sufficiently ranted, feedback is appreciated :)
          ooooh, just noticed - you're a feral fan. lol. thanks for voting! AND how not to write a wattpad story is the greatest.