
I'm looking for anyone up to rp since amino's practically dead, if anyone's interested please message me and we can set something up for a rp I watch Many shows and movies so anything's cool but I've been dying to rp the show Merlin for awhile 


I'm looking for anyone up to rp since amino's practically dead, if anyone's interested please message me and we can set something up for a rp I watch Many shows and movies so anything's cool but I've been dying to rp the show Merlin for awhile 


Im looking for anyone to rp with anyone even if i dont know the fandom im willing to have an open mind the only thing i ask is if you want to rp dont ghost me and dont say sorry everytime you dont respond right away because its ok i got stuff going on too so if you need to vent im here but dont apologize so much for silly things just respond when you can 


@Incorrect_aaa hi there!! do you rp???


Hey! Welcome to Wattpad, I'd be up for a rp with you if you're still looking for rp partners! What fandoms are you in/want to rp?


@Crazy4Candy_ ill pm you the list cause its very long


@Incorrect_aaa hmmm, I haven't seen umbrella academy or stranger things, but what animes do you watch?


@Crazy4Candy_ thank you, i would love to rp, ive been mostly obsessed with umbrella academy lately but i also rp animes,IT,stranger things and other stuff i cant think of them off the top of my head though


Hey I'm interested to rp with ya. Do you know about Detroit Becomes Human? It's a video game that came out in 2018. If your interested I can send you a link to the gameplay of it.


@NewEra2021 sadly i dont but if you want we can rp and you can show me the characters and stuff im open minded 


Im looking for rps so if anyones interested please pm me, im also new to wattpad so im still figuring out how to use it, i really want to use my umbrella academy oc but i can play five though i only do double ups if im not playing five so if interested message me and we can set up a rp i also do other rps too not just umbrella academy 


@OwlHouseFangirl2021 i can still rp it with you and figure it out if you want 


@Incorrect_aaa i used to watch it when i was a toddler but i dont know anything about it sadly