
The first chapter of the story will be out on the 5th of match


Hey guys, the next book will be based within medeivil times and will be very action based. The genre will that of fantasy meaning that there will be the inclusion of magical abilities and spells. Anyone who would like to have their character included in this new story can either pm the description to me (include name, age, species, likes, dislikes, personality, background information, fighting type( if spells and abilities are included please send them also, maximum number of abilities is 1 and nothing op otherwise your character will not be included in the story.) And sexuality if you wish for your character to be included in romantic events between the characters. The due date for all entries will be the 1st of march. Have fun sending in your characters!


@fafnirthefurry im guessing he's able to shapeshift


This sounds awesome! Count me in XD
            Name: Fafnir
            Age: 16
            Species: Husky
            Likes: Compassionate people, fighting, eating, running 
            Dislikes: Pig headed people, thieves, seeing loved ones hurt 
            Personality: Really nice and caring, quick to anger but usually level headed, will fight anyone who threatens his loved ones
            Background: Abandoned as a pup, he was raised by a dragon shifter who taught him pretty much all he knows, no past relationships
            Fighting type: Speed fighter, usually two daggers or a short sword
            Sexuality: Openly Gay


You can also put the description of your character here. Sorry for not including that in the main message ^^;


Hey guys. I'm sorry about this, but all of those who were looking forward to the next chapter of let love be love will be saddened to hear that there will be no next chapter and I won't be writing another book for it. The original story line went askew in the end so I was unable to write it properly. I'm very sorry, but I hope you guys have fun!


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guys I have absolutely 0 inspiration so until I have some the story will not continue. sorry guys, but my only source of inspiration has been blocked by shit loads of revision. until we meet again! have fun and stay safe!


@Inarikun damn.. i hope you find your inspiration soon... i love your book and hope my sweet little pup finds his muse soon.