
@Queen-of-the-Damned ((I didn't realize that asking him what kind of wood he used to try and kill one of my roleplay characters with was such a bad thing. I don't think you need to worry about a sixteen year old who lives up in canada stealing your boyfriend. ))


          "Oh, hello Ashes," he smiled. Then, glancing at the visitor, his eyes focused in, curious. He took another sip of his flask, and pointed to him with a finger. "I might not be able to help out around much today, it seems there's a visitor." He turned his head to try giving a small peck back before stepping forward to approach the visitor, of course after reaching down to pull his pants up.
          "Greetings traveler!" Kachi shouted as he stumbled out of the pathway, in what would appear to most a drunken stupor. "Might you be here for a l-l-little tussel?" As he spoke, he would seem to trip to the left, but would roll so fluidly back into a stumbling stand, that it would seem almost acrobatic. He then made his way forward, his body swaying to the left, right, forward and back in weird directions. "Or might you be here to share a drink?" A jolly smile was on his face, and with a good glance at him when he bent far enough forward, a small circular seal could be seen on his back. Once he got close enough, the feelings of magic flowing within many beings would feel halted, or supressed.


@-Tanmin- (Gotta get some rest bro finish tomorrow.)


            Swaying his upper body backwards, he collapsed his body to the ground with his toes pressed tightly against the ground beneath him, almost like a springboard to momentarily lower himself below the flying snakes.
            At this time, the glowing of the hand would seem to stop, assuming that it was a supernatural force such as magic.
            After winding up, or in this case 'down', his legs would spring up with his upper body doing the same. As he would return up, he would snap his right hand forward to the assumably outstretched left arm of his opponent in a "cup grip." His right arm would swing to meet the oncoming chop with a sort of hammer fist before he would shift his foot forward to swing his arm in a circular motion once again to go to make use of the close contact, and hook the opponent's elbow. If unstopped, the elbow would then be yanked and twisted, forcing the opponent's chest down.


@-Tanmin- ~Sprints after you as scar tightens up for a spring keeping his two arms folded behind him then swinging them forward as you roll up onto one foot launching two Philippine cobra's from his left sleeve to launch towards your torso aiming their fangs at your pecks, as my right hand begins glowing a bright blue and swings down towards your hip in a chopping motion.~


In a lazy stumble, Kachi opened the door to the bamboo house, unleashing a mighty yawn from the deepest depths of his vocal chords. "AAAAaaaaaah," he let out, his wingspan at full stretch, and aside from his fallen down pants, his entire muscular frame stretched. Smack, smack, went his mouth as he leaned against the frame, and took a sip of the flask on the ground.


            Walking up behind Kachi, Aisley would playfully, and sneakily begin to slip her arms around his torso. She knew ot would no longer be sneaky once he would feel her touch, but she didn't care. 
            She mostly intended to give a hug, and leave a peck on his cheek, saying "Hello there Kachi~"