
Hey guys! So I re edited a A Siren's Call (Rewritten) So check it out. I promise it's much better than the old one. Hope to get the next chapter out on both books soon and I'm taking A Siren's Call (ON HOLD) off hold! Thanks for all the support!


Hi hi, I know this is probably weird but when I joined this app on 2015, I read one of your books when I first got the app and I'm rereading it now and it's crazy to know that it was 4-6 years ago !! I hope you are having a good life ! As of now. Or making the best of it.


Hey guys! So I re edited a A Siren's Call (Rewritten) So check it out. I promise it's much better than the old one. Hope to get the next chapter out on both books soon and I'm taking A Siren's Call (ON HOLD) off hold! Thanks for all the support!


Hey! Can you please read my dylan o'brien ff? I'd be glad to have your opinion!


Aww thank you :)


@Applepie__99 it's absolutely amazing


Hey everyone! Okay so before I get started with this heartfelt apology, let me do a little advertisement for my friend @She_Ran_ThatWay. Raynie has a really good book out called Demon Protector,  and it's a naruto fanfiction. I'd really love it if you all checked it out and gave her some love! Anyway... as to the apology. I am really sorry that I haven't updated any of my books in a really long time and know I will work on it. I just got back to school and it's sucking the creative energy out of me... I will try harder so please be patient and I love you all! Bye! -ImperfectAlex


A Siren's Call has 2.13 K votes and 111 votes so thanks a ton guys!!! Also 8f anyone cares I'm officially 15 as of August 17th and... I want to say it feels great but honestly I forgot my birthday until the next day. Thanks for all the votes and reads and I really do love you guys... (Not in a creepy way)