
Hi guys It has been a long time since I updated my story. I am Soo sorry for the late chapter as I have zero excuse but I have almost lose motivation a lot of time while writing the new chapter ( and also a lot of editing and rewriting which causes me to almost forget to essence and the reason of the story), I promise to upload more of my story as soon as possible.. <333 
          	XOXO, Imeralrs


Hi guys It has been a long time since I updated my story. I am Soo sorry for the late chapter as I have zero excuse but I have almost lose motivation a lot of time while writing the new chapter ( and also a lot of editing and rewriting which causes me to almost forget to essence and the reason of the story), I promise to upload more of my story as soon as possible.. <333 
          XOXO, Imeralrs


Hi guys, I just uploaded chapters of The stolen heart . Hope you guys enjoy the chapters ,please vote and tell me all about it on the comment section.
          P.S also I just upload a new story (James Potter's story) 
          That's all for today 
          XOXO, imeralrs 


@kim-627 I am planning on making the second book, hopefully I could upload it soon 


Are you making a second book for  the stolen heart 