
@CottonCandyAndStuff Woo:D Εγώ ειμαι τρελή Directioner αλλά έχω φίλες Beliebers και μαρεσει ο Τζαστιν;Ρ


awwwwww youre cute pumpkin. thanks for the follow tho [followed tchu back]. i sincerely hope you get an iphone one day. and yeah the books you mentioned are freakin awesome :) and fyi i ve always wanted to join karate. now im jealous :( 


@ainttellinumyname 1-thank youu:)) 
            2- Awwwwh omg you're so kinddd:))
            3-Yesss they aree
            4-Ohh don't worry 'bout dat.. We will meet in the land of the unicorns one day and I'll teach you there;D