
Maldives booyah


Guys if you're bored I Know a really good way to pass time, just drop on the bet and pretend your a stick or pretend your a zorm and wiggle in the way a worm would.!! I'm ginus


@ImTheRealStargirl thanks lol cuz sometimes I be bored


Who likes cressi??


Heyyy I want to discuss some stuff so first. Go watch the movie the miracle on Netflix or see a short on youtube relatied to it since, it's about a man who had a disability he lived in a remote village in turkey with his family, bcuz of his disability he couldn't walk properly or even talk, his brother was going to get married to a girl with wife hips perfect for childbirth,she had memorized the whole quran, was beautiful blah blah. But she had teeth full of cavaties so, he ended up not getting married to her, instead disabled man and her got married. Ok over time her cavaties went away and she became veryyyy pretty but he was disabled, despite this he stayed with him bcuz she deeply loved him. He tried to take his life bcuz of his disability, he got bullied by everyone and all that BUT HE FINALLY DID YKNOW STUFF AND HIS DISABILITY GOT FIXED.
          AHEM SECOND THING I WANTed to tell you was the story behind my username name so i made it in the memory of rurukun1999 if you don't know her, she was a child streamer on a Japanese site in late 2015 when she was 16 maybe even in 2014 I don't really remember. She did Dangerous stuff like running on railway tracks bcuz her viewers told her too and like a lot of dangerous stuffs. Anyways one day her viewers urged her to jump off the rooftop of A FREAKING 13 FLOOR TALL BUILDING and she listened. She was alive for three hours, after three hours she was rushed to the hospital but could not survive. R.i.p aruru kun you did not deserve having such bad, ignorant parents and viewers fly high ️
          Sooo, this was basically a rant.
          I was bored so


Guys I'm thinking about deleting my story and making a new better one.


@AruruKun6  yeah yeah but not as good as yours <33333


@AruruKun6 your story is good already! But if you want to write a new story then do what ur heart says