
Ok, so I really don't have many active followers. So, I decided the name for ally my followers would be 'petals'. I know it's, well, odd, but if you look at my profile it's covered in roses. Anyways, the thing I really wanted to tell you guys is that chapter 2 is finally out! Click the link to check it out: 
          	Also, I decided on a publish day. Every Friday you can expect a new chapter. If not, CHECK MY PROFILE. I will make sure to post my excuse through here (unless if I get stranded or something). I hope you enjoy, petals!
          	(:D I love that, omg! Teehee)
          	Oh, btw, I know you may be disappointed by this chapter because it is way shorter than the first one. Sadly most chapters are going to be like that. the only reason why chapter 1 is long is because I've been working on it for 2 years. I know, a crazy waste of time for just 1 chapter. But it really paid off! (I hope).


Ok, so I really don't have many active followers. So, I decided the name for ally my followers would be 'petals'. I know it's, well, odd, but if you look at my profile it's covered in roses. Anyways, the thing I really wanted to tell you guys is that chapter 2 is finally out! Click the link to check it out: 
          Also, I decided on a publish day. Every Friday you can expect a new chapter. If not, CHECK MY PROFILE. I will make sure to post my excuse through here (unless if I get stranded or something). I hope you enjoy, petals!
          (:D I love that, omg! Teehee)
          Oh, btw, I know you may be disappointed by this chapter because it is way shorter than the first one. Sadly most chapters are going to be like that. the only reason why chapter 1 is long is because I've been working on it for 2 years. I know, a crazy waste of time for just 1 chapter. But it really paid off! (I hope).


Hello followers! Ugh, I would rather have a special nickname for you than something like 'followers'. It's SOOO original...not. Anyways, I just published my very first story called Opposites Attract. It is about a girl who falls for her complete opposite... also an unoriginal idea, but I promise it'll be a better story than the others! I hope... Make sure to check it out, like, comment, and anything else you need to do. Also, please comment what I should call my followers. Thanks! :D


Thank you! Honestly though, I think I like yours a lot better! Also, you're story is pretty cool! (I'm not really interested in the whole anime thing but you're writing style is absolutely stunning!)