


happy new year guys!!!!! :)) hopefully this new year, 2020, is better for all of us! let's all think positively and make 2020 the greatest yet!! make sure to stay positive and make sure to live yourselves! don't be sad all the time, it's a waste of time. again, happy new year!


guys, make sure to stay happy. idk, this week has been my holiday depression. we all have those days were we just wanna curl up in a ball and listen to sad music. that's me right now. i need something to cheer me, like an activity. imma go surf the internet to find any ideas, wish me luck!! :))


Y'all, I saw this post on Instagram that said if you play Epiphany at an EXACT TIME on 12/31/19, it will streak midnight saying " I'm the one I should love~ in this world ". The person that it's a great way to start the new year. I being serious, I'm considering on doing this. I'm just considering making a whole " Love Yourself, Love Myself " PLAYLIST full of loving yourself songs and just songs about not being entitled to others opinions about yourself because you should love yourself. Should I do that? It seems like a good idea, I feel like I need it ♥️