
Hey guys. I know I haven't updated in a hella long time and I'm sorry.  It's not 100% my fault though. My phone and a couple of other stuff of mine including my credit card was stolen about two months back or so and I just recently got a new phone. My laptop already spoilt before then so no luck with that either. And after that it all became a series of unfortunate events and in between sorting stuff out, I abandoned Lust or Love and I'm sorry.
          	Anyway I want to announce that in three days time I'll be deleting lust or love. I'm grateful for everyone who read my novel but I'm still trying to sort out somethings and I've come to realise that I wasn't really prepared for such a project.  I'll probably rewrite it in the future,  I don't know but for now, I'd like to stop. I have other books in mind though and I'll start posting them on or before next January.
          	Love y'all 


Hey guys. I know I haven't updated in a hella long time and I'm sorry.  It's not 100% my fault though. My phone and a couple of other stuff of mine including my credit card was stolen about two months back or so and I just recently got a new phone. My laptop already spoilt before then so no luck with that either. And after that it all became a series of unfortunate events and in between sorting stuff out, I abandoned Lust or Love and I'm sorry.
          Anyway I want to announce that in three days time I'll be deleting lust or love. I'm grateful for everyone who read my novel but I'm still trying to sort out somethings and I've come to realise that I wasn't really prepared for such a project.  I'll probably rewrite it in the future,  I don't know but for now, I'd like to stop. I have other books in mind though and I'll start posting them on or before next January.
          Love y'all 


I know it's been about a month since I updated and I'm really sorry about that. I fell ill and after recovering we had exams so the past month has been pretty messed up for me but I've finally updated and I 'm so thrilled.
          I haven't really fixed a definite schedule but I'll try as much as possible to update every day for a week straight.  I know it's  hard but by then I should have gotten a lot of things sorted out.
          I also need a playlist for LOL  and I haven't gotten all the songs yet so please I need help. Sorry for the long post ☺. Till next time 
          I just published "Chapter 11: Party (II)" of my story "Lust or Love? ".




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