
If you haven't already, go to sign the petition. Learn about the pipeline and its impacts.
          	If you are in America, text "PUCZGE" to the number 50409 to get ahold of your reps and urge them to stop this.
          	Go follow @quiiroi on Instagram and tik tok. They are on the front lines and have real-time updates.
          	Tell all the biggest creators you can think of, every podcast, every local news station, national news stations, friends, family, colleagues, EVERYONE about this and urge them to talk about it.
          	Go to https// to email the EPA and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency about this and get them to take action.
          	GET TO THE FRONT LINES IF POSSIBLE! Having more people at the front lines is our number one way to fight this. The more people show up, the better.
          	There are more resources in my linktree:
          	We don't have any more time to just sit around and wait for things to change. If you consider yourself an ally to the native community, an environmentalist, even just a person who drinks water, DO SOMETHING.
          	You cant drink oil. You can't eat money. Money is not going to bring our earth back from the environmental torture we are putting it through. They're not going to stop until we MAKE them stop. DO WHATEVER YOU CAN


If you haven't already, go to sign the petition. Learn about the pipeline and its impacts.
          If you are in America, text "PUCZGE" to the number 50409 to get ahold of your reps and urge them to stop this.
          Go follow @quiiroi on Instagram and tik tok. They are on the front lines and have real-time updates.
          Tell all the biggest creators you can think of, every podcast, every local news station, national news stations, friends, family, colleagues, EVERYONE about this and urge them to talk about it.
          Go to https// to email the EPA and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency about this and get them to take action.
          GET TO THE FRONT LINES IF POSSIBLE! Having more people at the front lines is our number one way to fight this. The more people show up, the better.
          There are more resources in my linktree:
          We don't have any more time to just sit around and wait for things to change. If you consider yourself an ally to the native community, an environmentalist, even just a person who drinks water, DO SOMETHING.
          You cant drink oil. You can't eat money. Money is not going to bring our earth back from the environmental torture we are putting it through. They're not going to stop until we MAKE them stop. DO WHATEVER YOU CAN


If you live in America and/or you care about people's water supply then this video is for you.
          There is a proposed pipeline expansion that will bring nearly 1 million tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. It's known as the Line 3 Pipeline. The pipeline will be carrying several kinds of tar sands crude. which is a carbon intensive oil which contains 37% more carbon than conventional oil, giving it a far greater impact on climate change.
          To illustrate the pipeline would have the climate cost equivalent to 50 coal power plants!
          When tar sands spilled the heavy oil mixes with the sediment and sinks to the bottom of the river or lake making it very difficult to clean up.
          And the company Enbridge has a long history of spills, averaging one oil spill per week for the last 15 years.
          Pipeline three also violates several treaties with the Ojibwe people.
          All of this and not a cent of that pipeline will go to the American economy. There are links in my bio to help educate you further as well as where to show up for protests in Minnesota.
          Please join us in protesting pipeline 3.


Thank you so much for adding my story to your reading list! It helps me out a lot, and I'm honored that you considered the story worthy enough to be there. I hope the story will bloom with your help! Much love, Monique <3