
After months of being lazy I’ve finally published another chapter of “The Frozen Saiyan”. This whole making stories thing would be so much easier if I could draw an action seen rather then just writing it out. Shout out to all the consistent authors on this site. No idea how y’all do it.


After months of being lazy I’ve finally published another chapter of “The Frozen Saiyan”. This whole making stories thing would be so much easier if I could draw an action seen rather then just writing it out. Shout out to all the consistent authors on this site. No idea how y’all do it.


Sorry I haven’t been able to put a chapter out, messed up my laptop so I haven’t been able to work on any of my stories. Though I should have some time to work on them soon. Currently working on an Isekai story and a Spider-Man story. Does that sound interesting to you guys?


@IllBadger3030 I'd just say follow your instincts when it comes to them if you want to then do it. If you don't think that's what you want just yet, then save those ideas for later  


I’ve just realized that I haven’t updated “The Frozen Saiyan” in a month. Been caught up with school and stuff. Hopefully I’ll be able to post the next chapter before the end of this month. Working on a chapter for another story I’m making as well. 


First message on here. To anyone reading this I’ll try to put out another chapter of The Frozen Saiyan today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading my stories!


@IllBadger3030 of course! I will. And I hope you have a good day as well


@LadinoRichardson9 I appreciate you doing that! Also make  sure to comment any thing you’d wanna see in either story. I hope you have a good day.


@IllBadger3030 of course. Just wanted to make sure that all was well