
Dear followers, friends, readers, writers and whoever else reading this, you are very special to me! So a very Happy New Year to you! I hope this year fills with joy, success and prosperity for you. 
          	Keep being a wonderful human being! 


Dear followers, friends, readers, writers and whoever else reading this, you are very special to me! So a very Happy New Year to you! I hope this year fills with joy, success and prosperity for you. 
          Keep being a wonderful human being! 


Congratulations to all the winners of FCRA's 2016! I loved participating and will surely participate next year too. In the meantime, I'm gonna read all the winning books. 
          So without further ado, here are the winners:
          @REPaige @wisteriaflower @ShaunAllan @AnnieRosebud @MayTijssen @Tethie @jenalee28 @JamieBlackmarr @hrhamilton @jadenmorello @writeon27 @PaintingTheRosesRed @stelliferous @LizardQueenDean @britainkalai @_Palen @MeaganNicoleWrites @madame_bootsie @circularities @RenaFreefall @CliffJonesJr @Cross-Warrior @savannahjfoley @bethangthomas @Sarian @AlcinaMystic @HomersGhost @AdrianaGalea @Lyssagirl7686
          And the runner-ups: 
          @danikanakker @Christine_Owen @Jkilmer @euphoniious @makexbelieve @Belle_Books05 @willowwhisps @ShamelesslyImperfect @AmorieQ @AJRyter @dalainasdreams @lightening_Stryker @LunaForgotten 
          Once again, congratulations to all. 
          P.S. If anyone would like to read these books then they can check these out on my profile under the reading list "FCRA's 2016 Winners".


@Ilbutterfly oh thanks anyway. I think that's how I did it last time too.


@AJRyter Actually, I don't know how to do that. I did this whole thing the old school way. You know, writing their names down on paper, adding their books to the library then creating the reading list. But here's a tip: For this shout out, I had written all of this before in my notepad and then I copy-pasted this whole thing. Apart from that, no shortcuts.


@Ilbutterfly thanks for the shout out. I'd like to post all the winners and runners up too, but can't figure out how to copy and paste in the app. Do you know how?


Hello there! Do you mind going to my profile and check out my new book If Only..? It'll mean a lot, you won't be disappointed. Thank you 


And of course


@Craicroissant ok. So I did check out your book and I loved it. Is it a harry styles fanfiction? 'Cause it says (h.s.) 
            Let me know. 
            P.S. mind checking out my book?