
To all the other Wattpad writers, on my 'From Alpha', I have votes and comments.
          	Um, where do I find those comments?
          	I really need to know what they said.
          	I really appreciate your help!


Hi there... I just updated a chapter of the book I'm writing. Please do well to read it. I'd really appreciate it if you vote, comment and share my work. Your upport is all I need. Thanks for anticipating.


Hello Sharon it's vannessa from wf,I'm new here and I'll love to read your story when I'm less busy 


@Vlincolne35, hey good to see you here!  Do you write?


Heyy, I was wondering if you could check out my books and tell me what you think ?
           I'm looking for readers that will give me feedback. I'm trying to up my writing game, lol, so if you do check them out ,please don't be afraid to leave one or two comments !! :))


I cobbled a few words together, inspired by, The Twelve Days or Christmas.  I hope you like it.
          The plumage if the partridge ruffle in unison with the rustle of it' Pear tree.
          The calls , so sweet, of the French hens echo the tidings of the holiday season.
          .The harmonious hymns of birds on high; resound with the anticipation of the joy to come.
          Romance gleam golden from velvet boxes.  A promise to keep.  Dreams if white dresses and two lives pledged to walk side by side.
          The eggs of geese laid for brunch dishes delights the taste buds if all.  Families sharing the variety of ways to use those yummy eggs.
          The efforts of milking maids bring forth glasses off milk to set out with cookies for Old Saint Nick.  Fortification for his Long night of delivering gifts to all good boys and girls.
          The tapping of the dancing ladies feet heralding the the coming miracle offering hope to a world I'm despair.
          The graceful piroutte the of ballet artiste express the peace and elation, awaiting
          The clarion peals of trumpets announce the coming of the One, who have comes to break the chains of death.
          The subtle beat of drums; welcome the Son of Joseph and Mary; the Christ child into the world of man.
          Happy Holidays to all!
          This is a season of love and giving.


I'm happy to announce I have a first draft of Alard, in "From Alpha".
          I really haven't been on lately.  Due to technical issues, I uninstalled WhatsApp, and no long try to check hangout.  Or the Google Meeting place.  For some reason on my screens, I can't *see*' anything!


I'm okay,
          The weather is Mother Nature has PMS!  In my state  the weather is weird.  A few days in the upper 60°F  the next day or so in the 90°F 
          I have scrapped the whole Alard, and am starting over.  I liked Alard from the old one, keep in mind she inky has 2 hours before having to catch the bus for school. I see no reason to change much in "School day'
          Well, I'm off the work on 'Alard
          Thank you, my lovelies!
          I'll briefly check my tooting messages.  I apologize in advance for for only stopping in to leave this message on my other messages.


@Igounot Please let me know what you think, if I use it, you will get credit!


@Igounot write me on messenger ok I have a great idea for you okay