


ANNOUNCEMENT:    TY FOR 7K READS on my book ‘YOU ARE MINE’ that was one of my first ever books I made when I joined wattpad and I rlly appreciate it but, till further notice I will not be continuing that book due to my lack of inspiration and ideas when it comes to the book, plus I’ve matured and I kinda outgrown that sort of writing it was very kid-ish in a sense and I’ve moved on to different fanfics such as ‘Euphoria’ and even creating some original books as well anyways have a great day and thank you <3


This is part 2 of my post, TW: sexual assault, 
          Same with movies, Wattpad storie use SA as a plot device, not that putting SA in your book is wrong. It’s the intention behind, if your putting  SA  in your story as way to spread awareness and actually talk about it. If your using for shock value or way to just put it in to make your story “rebatable” just so you can move in with your story then that’s a problem.
          Like I said in my last post, if you haven’t been SA’ed, You don’t know what it’s like to have been SA. So don’t write about it. 


TW:talk about SH and mental illnesses 
          If your using self harm as a shock device for your book, get some help. I’ve seen a lot of fanfics using SH to “shock” viewers. When the self harming happens it has no message on it what so ever. At first the character abruptly out of know where starts to SH and when a thenthey abruptly stop because the love interest says something like “ please don’t do this...for me” like really?
          I’m sorry but I find it weird how many people like their MC to have multiple illnesses and non of them are displayed throughout the story. If the MC had DID show a side to it that’s not disrespectful harmful to that community. Same with, OCD, DEPRESSION, BIPOLAR DISORDER, BPD,PTSD and etc. And if you don’t have a mental illness I recommend not righting about it. You as a person who has never suffered from a Mental illness that  your MC has probably, won’t understand the illness fully. Like how people with OCD are constantly protrayed as perfectionist who are compulsive cleaners. That’s not OCD that’s simply a stereotype that many people that don’t have OCD preceive as what OCD is.


Sorry if misspelled anything but like it seriously pisses me off when I see ppl betray SH and mental illnesses so 1 dimensional, and use it for shock value and just to be quirky 