

novel Updates!
           Mega power Chapter 21 is being worked on, and will be released this week.
          After Life is also going to get a new chapter soon, Volume 2 will round up this year, and volume 3 will start next year.
          Pocket Monsters Pasio Masters will also finish it's first Volume next month, and volume 2 will start mid November.
          Pokemon Re:juvenation title has been changed to Pokemon Re:juvenation- Starting afresh in another Region, to better Highlight it's Inspiration from Re:Zero.
          Arc 4 will start in November, and the length of each chapters will be a maximum of 5000 words and a minimum of 2000 words, I will also still be uploading the drawings of Zumi's original art, and some of my fan art in the chapters.
          Also expect a new anime opening for the start of Arc 4.
          And Finally, Smash Ultimate and Monster Hunter will be updated in time, as they were created on a whim, but I have the will to see them through.
          Thank you for your patience so far, don't forget to Vote and comment, I appreciate it ‍♂️