
Help, my teacher is a kachako shipper. 
          	How do I know? He has these bnha character posters, and on one wall, he has deku, and in another wall, he has bakugo and uraraka right next to each other.


@IamCrossUchiha RIP I feel your pain mine shipped me with my bully (which in my opinion is gross not hating btw) she has a poster of me next to bakuhoe poster thats how I know


Help, my teacher is a kachako shipper. 
          How do I know? He has these bnha character posters, and on one wall, he has deku, and in another wall, he has bakugo and uraraka right next to each other.


@IamCrossUchiha RIP I feel your pain mine shipped me with my bully (which in my opinion is gross not hating btw) she has a poster of me next to bakuhoe poster thats how I know


          I am pissed. So earlier today, I went to HCC for a highschool class that I have.
          And while me and my classmates were waiting for the bus to take us back, I decided to buy a drink.
          As I was about to confirm my purchase, the mutha fuka lights went out.
          And on our way to the bus, water enetered my f***ing shoes.


this message may be offensive
I FUCKING HATE RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've been thinking of a story idea.
          It will be a somewhat original dekuverse story. Instead of them reacting to it or have a deku AU team up, it's more of a war. The Deku Wars. All of my stories and if given permission, some other cool variants of deku in an all out brawl.
          But I would like to finish my stories before I even start getting plot ideas for the whole reason the war broke out. Ideas and criticism  are preferred and considered.




@SilverConquest well, I went to school cause my mother told me I had summer school, turns out I dont