
this message may be offensive
          	So I've been debating with myself about this for a longg time now and I think I've come with this conclusion, I'm leaving Wattpad
          	I know the feeling of an author leaving (many of the authors I followed disappeared so I feel you) and it sucks but I just don't feel right doing THIS, I wanna do other things and I wanna erase this chapter of my life and forget about it completely
          	I regret some of the things I've done and posted and damn do I just want them gone from my memories. But at the same time, as much as I wanna forget them I don't want to leave my followers (I talk as if I'm popular even though I ain't what am I doing hahahaha)
          	You guys meant a lot to me, genuinely you all did. When I doubted my horrid writing you guys just kept me standing, even now I come back time to time to read comments to feel a bit better about myself so thank you for everything and all your support 
          	If you knew me and I acted a certain way towards you that you DIDN'T like...I'm so fucking sorry. Really I am. I acted on impulse, I didn't think, and didn't know better, and fuck I HATE myself for doing so, please forgive me and completely erase anything related to me from your life, I don't want things from the past affecting either of us
          	As for my books, I won't delete them as of now but I can't confirm if I won't in the future. (Same goes for my account). If you want me to post the endings and explanations of my incomplete books then just comment if you'd like that
          	Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry for everything ❣️


@I_Am_Tae-ggered and like this we lost a gem. 


this message may be offensive
          So I've been debating with myself about this for a longg time now and I think I've come with this conclusion, I'm leaving Wattpad
          I know the feeling of an author leaving (many of the authors I followed disappeared so I feel you) and it sucks but I just don't feel right doing THIS, I wanna do other things and I wanna erase this chapter of my life and forget about it completely
          I regret some of the things I've done and posted and damn do I just want them gone from my memories. But at the same time, as much as I wanna forget them I don't want to leave my followers (I talk as if I'm popular even though I ain't what am I doing hahahaha)
          You guys meant a lot to me, genuinely you all did. When I doubted my horrid writing you guys just kept me standing, even now I come back time to time to read comments to feel a bit better about myself so thank you for everything and all your support 
          If you knew me and I acted a certain way towards you that you DIDN'T like...I'm so fucking sorry. Really I am. I acted on impulse, I didn't think, and didn't know better, and fuck I HATE myself for doing so, please forgive me and completely erase anything related to me from your life, I don't want things from the past affecting either of us
          As for my books, I won't delete them as of now but I can't confirm if I won't in the future. (Same goes for my account). If you want me to post the endings and explanations of my incomplete books then just comment if you'd like that
          Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry for everything ❣️


@I_Am_Tae-ggered and like this we lost a gem. 


So I know I said I'm gonna be more active but yea false alarm cuz first, rainy season and I'm sick af rtn, and second, school really doesn't give two shits so yeah I'm sorry jfjdjdidi
          I'm really inconsistent I know (; ^ ;)


@ I_Am_Tae-ggered  it's alright love, take your time with everything (^O^)


hey girl, you alive?? and well?? I hope so!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LEFT ME ON READ!! GOD DAMN I MISS YA. take care muah


@taessquishycheeks Hahahhaa thank youu, I need all the luck I can get for this bs, and I can't wait to talk to you soon :'))) ♥️♥️


@taessquishycheeks yes! take your time and good luck! 
            we'll talk when you're done. 


this message may be offensive
@taessquishycheeks that's true it is shit hahahaha, and yea I agree!! I can't right now though sadly, still researching on shit, but once I'm done maybe we could work things out and agree on a good chatting platform, wattpad's messaging system is a one way ticket to miscommunication istg


I listened to Dionysus for the first time and I'm crying too much I haven't even finished half of it ITS THE TYPE OF SONG I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR, tHEY'RE KINGS I TELL YOU


Dionysus SLAPS


Heyy how u doing? Everything going well?


@I_Am_Tae-ggered I’m happy to hear that I was able to help! Even if just a little bit. And if ur not getting worse then that’s good for now and hopefully when school ends you’ll be able to feel better! ^_^ ♡ ♡ 


this message may be offensive
@estipestiwrites oml, sorry for the late reply kdksjajuw, thank you for still caring about me ; - ;
            And I'm doing fairly well, especially with the problem you helped me cope with, I've managed to move on, so thank you so much for that!!!!! >~< 
            Buttttt in terms of mentality and stuff, it's eh, I'm not getting any better nor am I getting any worse, sooo it's a 50/50 I suppose, but school is about to end so I really hope all this shit goes away soon (=n=)


this message may be offensive
Updates and talking/messaging are gonna be random, I don't want to rub off my negativity towards everyone I talk to. I hope you all understand. I'm not 'mentally stable' anymore, or as some said I was. even had to tie my own fucking hands together when I sleep for a few days at some point so I stop scratching and bruising my legs. 
          Again, I hope you all understand.


@Potat-hoe  Thank you so much, and you helped a lot, trust me. I hope you're doing well there too ^-^


@I_Am_Tae-ggered I’m glad I could help even if a little! You can always pm me if u want to talk :)


@Potat-hoe   god, I've been putting a facade throughout the whole day so my dad doesn't feel too sad and gets my happy vibes, and hearing this feels so refreshing after all that, again thank you, you managed to bring a smile to my face like always♡♡♡♡♡ fjdjdbcjsfi