
this message may be offensive
Heyyyy. I re-met up with my partner again, we had a sleepover. I'm still at her house and she hasn't grown a bit. Go follow them, @NoT_a_RaT_iN_dIsGiSe_lOl is her profile. I love him and we will probably be talking through inbox an that shit. She's my first partner and if any of y'all are rude to her I will track you down
          	Love y'all!


this message may be offensive
Heyyyy. I re-met up with my partner again, we had a sleepover. I'm still at her house and she hasn't grown a bit. Go follow them, @NoT_a_RaT_iN_dIsGiSe_lOl is her profile. I love him and we will probably be talking through inbox an that shit. She's my first partner and if any of y'all are rude to her I will track you down
          Love y'all!


Hello everyone, I know it's been a while, but I just want to talk about something serious.
          I've learned about what Wilbur did to his now ex partner and fellow creator, Shelby Scubble, and I just want you all to know that I am not a supporter of such thing. What he did was horrible, disgusting, and something nobody should do to their partner, no matter what. I want you all to know that I am no longer a supporter of him, and if you don't know what has happened, I'd like to inform you.
          Shelby has come to say that when she was in a relationship with Wilbur, he was physically abusing her and, in her words, "living in filth." Shelby says that Wilbur was continuously biting her non-consentually and it was to the point it caused her extreme physical pain. Shelby also said that Wilbur maintained horrible hygiene around the house and even showed off her bruises and bites that he made on her body.
          If any of you didn't know this and follow Wilbur on any of his socials, please unfollow. If you don't think this is serious, don't follow me because you're also a horrible person like Wilbur. If any of you have partners that show toxic behaviours like Wilbur, break up with them. Nobody deserves to go through such a thing that causes them to have residual trauma.
          I love you all and I hope yoh know that, all of my followers deserve the best they can get.


HEYY! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Who's going on a date/asking someone out/or isn't celebrating/is Aroace? Whatever you're doing, it's fine, ask that person out, kiss your partner(with consent ofc), celebrate with yourself/friends! It's okay to be single or not, you do you bestie!


Helloooooo It is I, Mars, I'm back! On my way to school, but how has everyone been? Oh, and me and my pet genderfluid partner have been doing long distance, so we've been together for two years and one our anniversary it'll be three!


Hey, sorry for not being here for awhile, I've been busy with stuff, but school's been good so far, I'm getting passing grades, and I (surprisingly, I have no clue how I got it) got student of the month last quarter (2nd quarter)


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Yay it's July 4th, anyways who gives a fuck because I completely forgot about my wattpad account for like- most of june, but don't worry, I'm alive, just tired af, my bf(boyfriend(she's genderfluid)) is back in my town so yeah, and they got a youtube account so that's another thing, and he made a video with me in it so I might link that video so yall can hear my voice, reminder that I sometimes disappear for like- a month or something and I just casually come back, but don't worry I'm fineeeee


for people who read the sexuality and gender stuff i'm doing during pride month, feel free to recommend sexualities and/or genders, I'll gladly talk about them!


Ofc! I'll do one of them tomorrow!


@I_AmSimp Or polygamous or polysexual?


@I_AmSimp Can you tell us what Bigender means?


Adding more since I forgot to do them-
          Transgender: being transgender is when you transition to the opposite gender that you were when you were born. You can be trans non-binary as well, it doesn't have to be the stereotypical ftm or mtf.
          Hope this helps!❤️


@I_AmSimp It does ^^ Thanks!


Sorry for not dong what i'd promise to do but here's the definition of bisexual!
          Bisexuality: Bisexuality is when a person is attracted to two genders, not specifically male and female, but preferably two genders. It's like bigender, you identify as two different genders, not the stereotypical male and female, just two genders. Bisexuality is not like being pansexual, nor is pansexuality like bisexuality, it's it's own identification.
          Hope this helps my questioning followers!❤️


@I_AmSimp I'M BISEXUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!