
sorry for deleting my frerard fic I just cant be bothered with the effort it takes and didnt plan on continuining it.  I still like MCR and their music but ive kinda grown up over the past months and I dont see myself as part of the "mcrmy" anymore... to be completely honest I prefere nightcore and anime music now . Ive changed a lot over the past months,  im not sure whether the changes are good or bad , but im different now and I dont really fit in in this bandom anymore. I will keep the username cause I have grown rather attatched to it but I wont be attempting any band-fics from now on . xo


sorry for deleting my frerard fic I just cant be bothered with the effort it takes and didnt plan on continuining it.  I still like MCR and their music but ive kinda grown up over the past months and I dont see myself as part of the "mcrmy" anymore... to be completely honest I prefere nightcore and anime music now . Ive changed a lot over the past months,  im not sure whether the changes are good or bad , but im different now and I dont really fit in in this bandom anymore. I will keep the username cause I have grown rather attatched to it but I wont be attempting any band-fics from now on . xo


Hola Anna Banana !!! 


@IWriteSinsNotFrerard my faces are da bomb .com (*^o^*)( ^ω^)ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ(*˘︶˘*)(^__^)ψ(`∇´)ψヽ(`Д´)ノ(´・_・`)(*´>д<)(⊙_⊙)( ´_ゝ`)╮(╯▽╰)╭(///▽///)\( ̄<  ̄)>(〒︿〒):-):-*:-!B-):-D:-P:’(:-X:-:-[:-$:O;-):-(o_O\(^o^)/@_@(>﹏<)(^3^)⊙﹏⊙@( ̄- ̄)@(๑・v・๑)•﹏•-_-||(∩_∩)(~>__<~)╰_╯O:-)=-O(σˋ▽ˊ)σ