
So, I constantly have mini-ideas popping into my head, so I'm gonna make a page where I post one-shots. If you guys have a specific request for a one-shot, just hmu and I'll get up on that thaaang(:


Paint the Town Black is one of my favorite stories in my library that I retread constantly. I don't knowing you have a reason for taking it off, but of you do I respect your decision. Just know that it makes me really really REALLY REALLY sad that it's not available for me to read :(


where is paint the town black??i had started reading it(i've had it in my library for quite a while now)and i deleted it by accident before i got to finish .please put the story back on's a really amazing story and it's hilarious,i cant get enough of it..pretty please, i want Will...and lily her comebacks are amazing:)