
Hello, reader ducklings! 
          	It is my birthday! Yay to me! ✨✨✨
          	In other news, because I know that’s what you’re waiting for (it’s okay. Lol.) I have written another 5,000 words!
          	I am still not done yet though. (Cries)
          	I really think this chapter might end up being more than 40,000 words.
          	Ughhhh, pray for me. Lol.
          	I hope you are all doing well, dears! If you all are rereading, I’d love to know with a little comment, because I think it gives my depression brain a serotonin boost, and will hopefully make my writing speed better than just sitting and staring at the screen with my head in my hands after 600 words. Haha.
          	Until next time! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so excited for the next chapter!  I hope everything is going well.  


happy late bday! over 40k is wild though, stay strong pook


Happy Belated Birthday!!!  Lmao girl take your time and I hope you are doing good!! I love rereading this book I’m picking out little things I missed out the first time!! Wishing you all the best 


Hey little angel!
          Sorry to bother you, I saw that you like Star Wars and I came to invite you to read my Anakin Skywalker story.
          I hope you like it, thank you for your attention <3



Awww, thank you, dear! ❤️❤️ I’m pretty busy right now with life and writing my own fic at the moment, but I’ll make sure to bookmark this for later. ✨


Hello, reader ducklings! 
          It is my birthday! Yay to me! ✨✨✨
          In other news, because I know that’s what you’re waiting for (it’s okay. Lol.) I have written another 5,000 words!
          I am still not done yet though. (Cries)
          I really think this chapter might end up being more than 40,000 words.
          Ughhhh, pray for me. Lol.
          I hope you are all doing well, dears! If you all are rereading, I’d love to know with a little comment, because I think it gives my depression brain a serotonin boost, and will hopefully make my writing speed better than just sitting and staring at the screen with my head in my hands after 600 words. Haha.
          Until next time! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so excited for the next chapter!  I hope everything is going well.  


happy late bday! over 40k is wild though, stay strong pook


Happy Belated Birthday!!!  Lmao girl take your time and I hope you are doing good!! I love rereading this book I’m picking out little things I missed out the first time!! Wishing you all the best 


There are so many new comments, so I’ve just decided to wait to the next chapter is out to respond to them all, but I just a wanted to say—to all those new commenters: thank youuuu! ❤️❤️ You got me to get enough of a serotonin boost to have the will to write over 2,000 words! (Still got a while to go though ☹️)
          But I am still very happy! It definitely makes my day to know people love my SW Anakin x OC Fic and are rereading. ❤️❤️❤️
          Hope all of my reader ducklings are having a great day! ✨


@Sleepism Love and appreciate you, dear!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️




hey, hope you’re doing alright & your family as well!


Awww, thank you, dear! ❤️ That really means a lot.
            I also saw you commenting and rereading my work, and idk the words to describe what that means to me. (Cries) ❤️✨ So thank you for that. So, so much. It gave me the gumption to write over 2,000 words! Lol.


Hey, Guys! 
          I’m so sorry for my little hiatus!  (Cries) My life has gotten a little bit overwhelming at the moment. My granny has been in the hospital, and then in rehab, before finally deciding to give up her house and move in with my aunt and uncle because she’s getting too frail to stay alone.
          I’ve been pretty worried about her, and was also the one taking care of her cats and dog while she was in the hospital, and things around her house.
          I’m also in the middle of trying to find a new job, so that’s an overwhelming thing as well.
          I’m so very sorry for the delay on the next chapter! (Cries) I’m still working on it and writing when I can. But since I’ve been so busy, it’s going a lot slower than it usually would. I will get it done eventually though!
          I forgot that I didn’t post an update about all of this on here. Loool. It skipped my mind. So I wanted to post something here now so that you guys know I haven’t forgotten about you or abandoned my story.
          I hope all of you are doing well! ❤️
          Until the next chapter, my little reader ducklings! :) ❤️


@IStillBelieveInMagic I'm sorry to hear about that. Hopefully you are all doing well still. And about finding a new job, that can be so stressful. Take your time tho and of course we ( at least me definitely) are still going to be there to read your story even if it takes a longer time.  The wait is definitely worth it <3


@IStillBelieveInMagic I'm sorry to hear that about your granny. Hope she, you and the rest of the fam is doing well. And good luck on the job search! Looking for one can be stressful. I know. Keeping you and your fam in my thoughts. Sending good vibes your way!
            Oh, and don't stress about the updates. Life happens. It is what it is. We rather you take the time to sort stuff out than adding more stress by trying to appease us. ❤️


@IStillBelieveInMagic hi!!! i'm sorry to hear about your granny, i understand completely why you have been gone for a little. Take as much time as you need away and remember to take care of yourself! i will be keeping you and your family in my prayers during this time! ❤️❤️


Hii I hope everything is alright! It’s been while since we last heard from you ♥️♥️ I hope whatever is the matter passes soon☹️ hope everything is okay 


Of course ❤️ it’s okay dont worry about it, as long as you promise to be strong through it, we know you can  


Hi! Thanks so much for checking in. ❤️ That’s really sweet of you. I’m so sorry for kind of disappearing! Things have been rough lately for me. ☹️ I posted an update about it.
            But thank you again! I’m glad to know that people care.


Hey! :) Long time no see, hope you're doing well xx <3


@DianaMichaels All good xx Sending love and blessings your way 


Hi! Thank you for checking on me, dear! That really means a lot. ❤️ I’m so sorry for my little hiatus. My granny is in the hospital and I’m looking for a new job at the moment. But I haven’t abandoned you guys! I promise. ❤️ The chapter will come slowly but surely.