your highness , do you need help ? (..) your hair is becoming undone.
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/ anyway cb & spec guys!! bridegroom arc theme because bride xie lian is so.
your highness , do you need help ? (..) your hair is becoming undone.
/ anyway cb & spec guys!! bridegroom arc theme because bride xie lian is so.
/ does the tgcf fandom not understand that you can be androgynous & feminine as well as strong & a good warrior ☠️ they’re not mutually exclusive events!! stop pushing misogynistic and homophobic messages!!
/ i wish people on tiktok would just stop throwing around buzz words they dont understand either!! think for yourself please
/ its all just age old prejudices rewrapped and spat out in a different way and its boring atp tbh. hyper-masculinising someone is just as harmful as hyper-feminisation
* yes I'm in love w him :D
/ hi guys cb & spec maybe..
[ fists are covered in bruises at this point with how many punches he’s thrown, but it’s all worth it. he doesn’t care. no one insults xie lian like that, spitting disgusting, vile derogatory and gets away with it. not even if it’s his cousin. it’s clear he’s left to get a teacher, some form of help, because he’s too far gone. bloodlust practically reeks from him, the locker qi rong had his head bashed against has a deep dent in it sheerly from the impact. breathing is laboured due to furious state, and all he sees is / red /. ]
@INF0RTUNII i warned him, wasn’t that enough ? he knew what i am capable of. [ orbs dart across his face when he turns back, finding to hint of softness. a thin frown is visible on his lips, hands falling behind his back to keep them out of sight, despite the aftershocks of adrenaline. ] gege, my hands are fine ..
@crimsought ⠀ ╱ ﹫ SAN LANG : yes, he did, but that does not call for /this./ your knuckles are bleeding, san lang. you do not need to ruin yourself in my honour. i also do not believe qi rong deserved such harsh treatment, despite how despicable he is. [ xie lian explains, not yet allowing his tone to soften, because he /knows/ it works. it gets his point across. ]
@INF0RTUNII [ that look— it makes his beating, thudding heart ache. he never wants xie lian to look at him that way, like he’s disappointed, like he’s unworthy of that gentle gaze he always gets— it stings, making him bite on his lower lip. in shame, maybe. his hands go to clench into fists purely out of frustration, but his adrenaline is fleeing swiftly, and it fucking hurts. the bite of it makes him suck in a breath, averting his gaze away, head tilted down slightly. the loss of the usual tenderness in his tone makes him stiffen. ] i couldn’t stop. he / slandered / you- —
[ puqi shrine is more of a home than he’s ever had, because it is xie lian’s home. paradise manor may be grand, but the atmosphere cannot compare to something so peaceful, quiet and adorably small as this. even after their marriage, he still adores and cherishes it, just like his husband. of course, he never does / need / to sleep, but he knows xie lian does. why wouldn’t he lay down with him, soak up the feeling of being held like this ? it’s different from when he’s usually the one holding onto him gently.. but this— this feels different. closer. he really can’t explain it without a heart to tell the story. ]
@crimsought ⠀ ╱ ﹫ SAN LANG : still. i dont want you to be bored, or.. i know you don’t need to sleep, but it’s quite nice, i suppose.. [ his voice trails off, slightly, though a small smile seems to grow across his lips. ]
@INF0RTUNII i’m not alone, dianxia. [ one of his hands is taken, returning the kiss to the back of it, soft and tender. he won’t ever feel alone with his husband by his side, be it conscious or unconscious. ]
@crimsought ⠀ ╱ ﹫ SAN LANG : [ xie lian, gentle as he always is with san lang, presses a small kiss to the man’s forehead, before allowing his eyes to flutter closed before he can see his reaction. to save himself any embarrassment. though he supposes he shouldn’t be embarrassed any more, after everything. they are married, after all. ] thank you. i don’t want you to be awake and alone for hours.
what a lovely voice, do you always sing to yourself like this ?
@crimsought ⠀ ╱ ﹫ ROBBER : well, no, i haven’t left this tower my whole life, but.. thats unrelated.
@INF0RTUNII keep you safe ? from what, society ? living like a normal person ? have you even touched grass before this, gege ?
they were grown in the garden and i picked some, do you like these flowers, dianxia ?
@INF0RTUNII then i’ll plant them over the entire garden, seeing as they’re to dianxia’s liking.
dianxia, it’s a gift for you, why would i dare take it back ? it’s of no use to me.
@crimsought ⠀ ╱ ﹫ SAN LANG : yes. which is why i do not feel i should be trusted with it, [ he exhales slowly, eyes downcast. ] with how bad my luck is, san lang, i am afraid it would come to harm, and..
@INF0RTUNII [ it’s then in that moment that his gaze seems to soften. that can’t be true, can it ? getting his hopes up seems pointless, but.. ] really now ?
@crimsought ⠀ ╱ ﹫ SAN LANG : /insulted?/ san lang, i would never. this is the most precious gift i’ve ever received.
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