3k notifications how are we


@ILLEGRL  your last post on here was 3 years ago ahh I miss you


hello... i remember i used to love pretty boy so much when i was reading it on my other account. i left wattpad for a while, i didn't know you were gone. i want to translate it, i need your permission for that. i don't have so many readers but at least my friends should see your beautiful pen. i wish you would come, and bring us blossoms again.


may 2024 and rest of your life bring you joy, illegrl.


i just finished pretty boy and I'm amazed by your writing... it's so beautiful, so delicate and yet so powerful. I can feel every character's emotion and visualize every scene you described. also, I kinda feel bad rn cuz your account is (probably) inactive. I don't know who you're, where you're, what happened to you but I hope you're doing great and living a happy life. you surely deserve it! 
          ps.: I hope you come back someday <3


          Maybe you won't read this and that's fine. I just want you to know that so many people, including myself, love your writing. It's absolutely amazing and projects the emotions so well. Whatever may be happening (if there is something wrong) just know that all of us love and support you. You are amazing, talented, and loved. Please come back, though you don't have to if you don't want to  I purple you, stay safe!!