
          Hello!!! Please help us sign this to stop the ban of wattpads private messages. This is important to a lot of people. Some people have made amazing friends on here and helped others. Some people have no other way to talk to each other in a private message. I also don't like the fact that they are erasing all of the past messages. I've made so many amazing memories in private chat. Some people need each other and this is the only form of talking to them. Please help up reach our goal, we are only 300 something away. Any form of support helps!!! Thanks!


I go sleep, hope you all have good sleeps


this message may be offensive
@-Hoe_for_Show- that was uncalled for....fuck you


Guys- red alert the world's ending. This is rare and very bad


@IJustSimp-  I think so..it hurts too much t be crying in a binder and habing to look at you and your exes break up texts..


@-noah-is_Gone- I think he understands, they just need time to process..I hope. But you never answered me. Did you tell him that doing that hurt you too? He's acting like he took it as if he was a burden, and breaking up kinda took away that burden of being overwhelmed 