I like to write sometimes when I have the time but most of the time I read. I found this site not too long ago and I am pleased that there are so many great writers. The sad thing is that sometimes authors don't get the recognition they deserve, and Wattpad gives writers a chance, and it helps develop a skill for writing, reading, and helping other amazing people, who could very well urn out to be authors. I have story plots and lines and characters in my head but once you are in front of paper- or in this case an electronic- those ideas start vanishing because you don't want to fail your story, it has to be perfect. A good idea when writing a book is first write your ideas as they come,  then keep on rewriting it again and again until you decide that your story is the way you want it delivered to readers. This is a tip I was once told, and it helps a lot in writing. I know this space is for writing about me but I would much rather appreciate others than say "I have 'Cranberry' for a nickname (true) and 'Apple' and 'Onion'  are two close friends of mine. (also true)" So once again thanks if you read this and thanks everyone for considering to read any of my work. -Signing off-
  • JoinedFebruary 24, 2017
