Mine broke and I'm saving for a new one but the one I want is 2k ;-;


Who else here has had one of those days where nothing is making sense or going your way and you just want to sleep or be left alone?
          Yep, me today and probably for the rest of the week... sorry if I lash on any of my rl friends on here... or anyone at all if you know me irl. I will try to keep cool on here. :)


hello friend it is i


@tricksterHoruss we never speak of this again. O.O sorreh...


xD spirit, dude


Tomorrow is write ur bae's or crush name on ur  wrist day! send this to 12 other people! if not ur bad luck starts at 12:00am tonight! 3...2...1... Your time starts Now! Z SORRY hello my name is Abby. On my fourth birthday we went to a fair. I got lost and could not find my parents. 1 hour of searching went by when someone grabbed me and threw me into his van. He took me to his house and beat me with a axe until I died. No one could find my body because he buried me in a desert. I then later returned as a ghost 8 years later when I was 12. I went to his house and killed him. A girl named Ayanna florinoy got this message. She laughed and deleted it. I later came to her house and killed her and buried her in a desert. A boy named Leo read this message and sent It to only 5 people. Not a smart boy. That night his TV got fuzzy and he saw a shape of me in the door way. He thought he was seeing things. He went back to sleep. When he woke up he was locked in my underground dungeon. Another Girl named Zoe read this message. She was freaked out by it. She sent it to 25 people. (10 people more than you are supposed to.) Every night I check In on her to make sure she is ok. Send this to 15 people in 5 minutes or suffer. If u don't believe this then you will suffer. I wish you luck:) Your time starts in 3..2..1..Go! No send