
Hey, can you all go follow JayHeartsYou? She is really awesome and soon we are going to be writing a selection of books together. She is really good at EVERYTHING! So, go and read her books and follow her...
          	Thanks guys! :D


So, where do I start, hmm? I'm ill, tired and a little pissed off. My laptop is broken (has been for a while), I am so ill, it is unbelievable and I want Christmas to come early, like NOW! So, the reason I haven't been writing for nearly a month is because of mock exams, illness, homework, stress, broken laptop and the list goes on. I don't know when exactly I'll start writing again, hopefully soon. Just a heads up :)
          Love you guys 


Ello lovely, Thanks for voting for The Baseball Badass, it means a lot that you took the time to hit that little button. You're very much appreciated. Stay amazing. 
          Keep reading and writing! 
          Much love. RunAwayLovey :) 
          P.s. You score for Paramore.