
Chapter EIGHT of Flames Through Sorrow is officially out on my AO3! Click the link below to be taken straight to it! 


Going to be posting regular updates of my story that was on here. My TCM/Johnny/FemaleOC Fic was originally on here but I removed it due to the way Wattpad had removed a previous story and I would rather not get this one removed on here either, especially with what it will include and I'm absolutely sure it would since they've done it already. I won't be publishing the stories I write on here anymore, but the stories I do write, I will be posting updates about, that way for those who are interested in my work know where to find it.
          If anyone was following along with my TCM/Johnny Fic, the official first chapter can be found over on AO3 which is linked here on my profile. From there you will find the prologue and my note from when it was available on here to read. Thank you.


this message may be offensive
Announcement. With the recent removal of my most viewed story on my profile, I will be unpublishing all of my works, and leaving Wattpad completely. This action has enraged me. My stories have been on here for more than three years and it has gone unnoticed until today. Therefore, I will only be publishing on AO3. My contact information will remain in my bio, but as of now, that will be all. Thank you all and fuck Wattpad for removing my story that I worked extremely hard on, despite them not agreeing with the topic/theme. Luckily the story is still up on AO3 and so is the second part. Goodbye.


@Hydrakinz I’m so sorry they did this, that’s seriously messed up


@Hydrakinz I honestly would feel the same way if Wattpad did that to me, I don't blame you


To the person who has been voting on my oldest series, I thank you. It's been such a long time since my last series, and it has been as if I've dropped off the edge of earth. It's an honor to know that people, even on Wattpad are enjoying my fiction. I'm in the works of something big (to me) and I can't wait to share it. Thank you.


@Hydrakinz it would be a sin not leave votes on your oldest series when it's beyond good! Plus can't go the next chapter without leaving love to the previous 