
You guys ever follow so many people on here and so many stories that you forget what is what entirely?


Maybe gonna come back to writing, might eventually rewrite dragonia so its less of a WOF ripoff that it was unintentionally becoming.
          Anyways heres a WIP desc of my upcoming kaiju story.
          "In a world where humans co-exist with large, mysterious beings like no other on the earth. They go by many names, titans, kaiju, colossi, some are destructive, some are peaceful. Humanity has learned to coexist with them... Or so they thought. Because one day, a titan of unimaginable size and power awakens and brings horrifying destruction in its wake. And not only that, but it seemed its awakening had triggered many others to stir as well, and among them, an ancient, powerful, god-like dragon... 
          Can humanity adapt?
          Can earths rulers, old and new truly coexist?
          Do they even want to coexist?"
          (Will be adding more to the desc later)


You know what sucks, if dragons were real and they were highly intelligent like us i bet they would just hide away and teach their generations to avoid being seen because humans would just lock them up and study them as if they were nothing more than animals


I just got tagged for something some kind of contest and im sorry to all of you i tagged, and Im STILL not sure how the contest works help me. I dunno if this is something i have to do or not and i dont want more stress than I already am so if this is optional to do please tell me