
Finally added a fanfic reading list. I think what I'm going to start doing is making a new reading list if I have 5 or more stories that are apart of one fandom so there's atleast a bit of a selection. If not then they're just gonna stay in the fanfic list. 
          	I've been reading alot more fanfics recently which feels surprising but not really 


Finally added a fanfic reading list. I think what I'm going to start doing is making a new reading list if I have 5 or more stories that are apart of one fandom so there's atleast a bit of a selection. If not then they're just gonna stay in the fanfic list. 
          I've been reading alot more fanfics recently which feels surprising but not really 


OMG!!! Did anyone else see the finally of Gravity Falls?!?! I just finished watching it and to be honest I'm about to cry kinda. If you don't watch Gravity Falls I just want to say you missed out on an AMAZING show.


Bill's the best


Dude same especially cuz of my bf bill


I love Gravity Falls and am really said its over. But who knows maybe Alex has something great in mind for Gravity Falls or another show