
**as of 071818, i took down all my works because i thought it wasn't necessary anymore. i haven't been active on this account in a long ass time. however, i did treasure these stories a lot, so i may just edit and reupload on my newer wp account. pm me if you want my new u/n, but other than that, this is probably my final goodbye on here. thank you all for enjoying my works. ❤


**as of 071818, i took down all my works because i thought it wasn't necessary anymore. i haven't been active on this account in a long ass time. however, i did treasure these stories a lot, so i may just edit and reupload on my newer wp account. pm me if you want my new u/n, but other than that, this is probably my final goodbye on here. thank you all for enjoying my works. ❤


damn, hello yall so i hopped back on here bc i have microfiction drafts due for my creative writing class soon and i really needed inspo so here i am to look at my old plot ideas to see what i can write out of my ass last minute LOL.
          according to my message post thingy from september uhhhh i said would be back in time. is this soon enough? hahaha but for real, i really do want to start writing again.. i'm sort of thinking that i should start from a new account, but i've done alot on here already... and it would feel weird to not look back into my other books. but yeaaah
          but then again, this acc is basically dead,,,? but i do still receive love in my works which is sooo crazy bc i haven't updated in years... idk if i could revive the activity, and how this acc was two years ago (damn that's such a long mfing time JSKSK)
          but i guess this is all! catch me four months from now and then actually start up again ffs. hey if someone replies to this i might acc get my mfing act together HAHA. anyways, much love! thanks for reading (:
          signing out,


im just annoying at this point, goodbye


holy cow i just now have a urge to start a new wattpad?????????????????????um i just came here due to procrastination but am i really thinking bout this?


this message may be offensive
WTF i just checked and it says my bts book is like 140th or something out of like 260 on "imagines" that's so crazy,,,, ngl but that work really had some cringy shit that i would not like to associate with uhhhh  but yeah! it's crazy! thanks yall omg


oh my god I literally logged on for the first time in about a year and a half-ish... holy crap. I looked through all my stories and the plots are excellent, but my style of writing I had was so mediocre... And not to mention all the grammatical errors I made back then but was oblivious to notice lol. ANYWAYS trip down memory lane was a tad bit cringey but interesting nonetheless.
          I'm so sorry for leaving y'all hanging on my books... I never finished pokemon go.. Tragic. I really would love to start writing again though, but I recently started college courses again and it's tiring enough... But we'll see.
          I might start up writing again on here, or I may ditch this account and transfer my plots/unfinished books to a new account!! Whatever I choose, I'll let y'all (assuming the 77 of you guys are still around, hehe) know in time. For now, this is goodbye!
          Thank you -Abby
          pm 4:21