
Kyoya just has something about him that attracts crazy French people


Was listening to my music in the shower and "days like this" from Falsettos came on. It was the part where Jason says he's gonna let Whizzer win and Whizzer tells him not to. I always thought he just wanted Jason to play to the best of his abilities so he could get better. Then I realised, the last time someone let Whizzer win at chess he lost that person. He doesn't want to lose Jason because that would mean dying and leaving everybody. I'm probably reading to far into it


@HotAsAPan Oh my god. You're probably right. That never even crossed my mind when I heard that song. 


Hey y'all. I'm hella tipsy right now. Hope y'all had a great Christmas and are having a great new years eve celebration. It's weird that the year begins at the same time in every country but is actually happening at different points. Oh well, the world is stage. Good night. 


Help!! I told my friend that I've had a crush on her for over a year, but I texted it to her because I'm a coward. She hasn't replied and I don't know what to do because I can't tell if she's seen it. I'm really worried about it because I don't know if she'll still want to be friends and I can't delete it because she might've already seen it. 


@GenDaLemon she replied saying that she's probably going to reciprocate my feelings sooner or later because apparently I'm pretty and nice. I was there screeching because I wanted a straight (heh) answer. 


Oh my gosh, that's so brave! Have you confronted her about it? Has she answered you??